Call for Papers
Presentation Submissions
Your presentation at the T3UD
In order for us to be able to offer an exciting programme at the T3UD, we are dependent on your cooperation. Submit your contribution on TYPO3!
You can apply with a lecture/discussion/talk/workshop until 27.08.2021.
Possible topics – just as a small suggestion:
- Not again: How we got rid of the three biggest time wasters.
- And who should do it: Better distribution of tasks, better data, better new recruits for editorial and technical staff.
- Offerings for all: Accessibility, internationalisation, ...
- And now it's time: Farewell to TYPO3 7 ELTS
- ...
Let your imagination run wild, master reality.
When and why did you last really enjoy working with TYPO3?
When and why did you last want to kick TYPO3 into the bin?
Come closer, submit!
Ulfried Herrmann
Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
E-mail: ulfried.herrmann@uni-weimar.de
Phone: +49 (0) 3643 / 58-2448