Workshop: TYPO3 Onboarding and Skill Management in Academic Institutions
You are providing and maintaining TYPO3 for your academic institution – but how well are you onboarding the people who work with the system?
Being concise and clear is one of the key factors for successful onboarding.
In this workshop we'll create a use-case for welcoming TYPO3 Editors, who are to perform specific tasks. The example can easily applied to Integrators and Developers, using the same methodology.
- Which tasks do I need to perform?
- Which skills do I need to complete the tasks?
- Which learning material helps me at my current level of expertise?
- How can I get acknowledgement for obtaining the skills?
The TYPO3 Education Committee and TYPO3 GmbH have already paved the way for you together with SkillDisplay.

Workshop: TYPO3 Onboarding and Skill Management in Academic Institutions
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Lecture language: English
With subtitles: English
Florian Weiss
TYPO3 Education Committee