Lecture: The Gustave Eiffel University TYPO3 Intranet
The intranet of this French University with TYPO3 CMS is the result of an agile mode construction over several years. The very first version of this platform was originally built in 2013 for IFSTTAR, a research institute that merged in 2019 with several universities to form the new Gustave Eiffel University.
In this talk I tell you the story of a project that started several years ago and will continue for a long time! What the university team and our agency learned from each other, the constraints we were able to solve, and the challenges we will face in the coming years.

Lecture: The Gustave Eiffel University TYPO3 Intranet
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Rachel Foucard
W-Seils - Université Gustave Eiffel
E-mail: rfoucard@w-seils.com